
B. A. like Baracus

February 17, 2010

I won a contest on my friend Ruth’s personal blog.  She was giving away some free business cards!  I was excited to participate in her first contest so I entered.  And then I won!  Woot.  She had given us some interesting ideas to used the cards for alternative things (since most of us readers have no reason to need business cards, you know students, moms etc.) but with my new excitement for graphic design and my own cool email, I decided to make a simple card to hand out my email on.

Simplified Glassware

I had a lot of fun making some simple glassware a while ago.

Jacob really liked them and had the brilliant idea to make letters out of them.  So I made my initials in glassware.  That way I can hand it out to people in academia (and laugh because I’m a chemist) or to potential graphics contacts and it will be appropriate both ways.    Here is a sneak peak:

My Business Card Design

I’m still struggling to learn how to use the pen tool but one day I hope we will be close buddies.  Until then, I will continue to awkwardly ask it to play with me sometimes.

Posted in: Uncategorized |

One comment so far.

  1. Rachel
    February 20, 2010, at 6:53 pm

    LOL… u love the A-Team!! I love you!! and I LOVE the new business cards!!! You are soooo creative! 🙂

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